Like Descartes and Gilbert, Newton published his major works in
Latin, though he did publish his Opticks first in his
native English. His major work 'Philosophiae Naturalis
Principia Mathematica (Mathematical Principles of Natural
Philosophy)', often referred to as 'Principia', was first published in 1687 but his 1726 third edition is considered his definitive version usually translated though omitting the interesting 1713 second edition Roger Cotes preface discussed in our main Newton section here.
An English translation of 'Principia', though Newton approved
none, can be read online at Principia.
Or, see the Latin original Principia at
Google Books Newton. Google Books also has an 1848 English translation -
HERE (it starts with an added Newton Biography that should be
taken with a large pinch of salt, and further adds to the end an extra
'System of the World' an earlier less-mathematical writing of Principia Book 3 which also got published separately after Newton's death maybe against his wishes and was somewhat like Gilbert's De Mundo.) - download it and read about
using Google Books at the bottom of our Science History.
Newton's 'Principia' explains a mathematical physics allowing of
two alternative explanation theories, the mechanical push-physics
of Rene Descartes and the signal-response attraction-physics of
William Gilbert. Newton began his Principia with two sections
called 'Definitions' and 'Axioms, or Laws of Motion' which give his
basic definitions and his three laws of motion. He first defines
the mass of a body, the momentum of a body, the inertia (or innate
force) of a body, an impressed force on a body (as accelerating it
but adding nothing permanent to it), a centripetal force on a body,
a centripetal force emitted by a body (diminishing with distance
from it), and finally distinguishes Motive, Accelerative and
Absolute centripetal force as relative to attracted bodies, to the
locations of such bodies and to attracting bodies. In numbers of
his definitions Newton plainly refers to magnetism and to Gilbert's
theory of it (without mentioning Gilbert), especially his last
three definitions with his final definition stating ;
"These quantities of forces we may, for brevity's sake, call by the
names of Motive, Accelerative, and Absolute forces ; and, for
distinction's sake, consider them with respect to the bodies that
tend to the centre, to the places of those bodies, and to the
centre of force towards which they tend ; that is to say, I refer
the Motive force to the body as an endeavour and propensity of the
whole (of it) towards a centre, arising from the propensities of
its several parts taken together ; the Accelerative force to the
place of the body, as a certain power or energy diffused from the
centre to all places around to move the bodies that are in them ;
and the Absolute force to the centre, as endued with some cause,
without with those motive forces would not be propagated through
the spaces round about ; whether that cause be some central body
(such as is the loadstone in the centre of the magnetic force, or
the earth in the centre of the gravitating force), or anything else
that does not yet appear. For I here design only to give a
mathematical notion of those forces, without considering their
physical causes or seats."
and "I likewise call attractions and impulses, in the same sense,
Accelerative and Motive ; and use the words attraction, impulse or
propensity of any sort towards a centre, promiscuously and
indifferently, one for another ; considering those forces not
physically, but mathematically : wherefore, the reader is not to
imagine that by these words I anywhere take upon me to define the
kind or the manner of any action, the causes or the physical reason
thereof, of that I attribute forces in a true and physical sense,
to certain centres (which are only mathematical points) ; when at
any time I happen to speak of centres as attracting, or as endued
with attractive powers."
Newton takes his black-box position early, and continued it to the
end, of not supporting any explanation of how forces might produce
their effects and allowing that one of several explanations might
be correct. This Newton also clearly did in his quite unique
definition of inertia in Definition 3 ;
"The vis insita, or inate force of matter, is a power of resisting
by which every body, as much as in it lies, endeavours to persevere
in its present state whether it be of rest or of moving uniformly
forward in a right line. This force is ever proportional to the
body whose force it is ; and differs nothing from the inactivity of
the mass, but in our manner of conceiving it."
It was a central conclusion of Newton that the behaviour of bodies
might be conceived of in different ways by different people
involving different hypotheses - and if unseens are involved then
science maybe cannot prove which is correct. And to Newton inertia can be
taken as the resistance of a dead body to being pushed or equally
as the resistance of an active body to moving itself. To Newton the
strength of mathematics in science lay in it allowing multiple
explanations, specifying how things relate but not why, as by
neutrally specifying physical unseens using constants or however.
Of course many lesser scientists have claimed their mathematics
proves some explanation, when really it cannot. Much modern physics
theory now rests basically on different mathematics produced by 'mathematics
experiment' or 'thought experiment' and wrongly claimed to prove different explanation theories.
Newton's blackbox position disallowing mathematics from proving unique
explanation theories still has some support, though many do not understand it or see it as a
weakness. Of course Newton failed to note that over time as science knowledge increases so
science blackboxes shrink, though they will never vanish. Increasing science knowledge encourages
more theories and more claimed disprovings, while making it more difficult to fully specify a good
science theory covering all. This shows especially in modern physics.
Newton's alternative-theories blackbox approach shows also in his third law of motion claimed by him to be proven by experiment in mechanics and magnetism - "To every
action there is always opposed an equal reaction ; or the mutual
actions of two bodies upon each other are always equal" It holds for possible push actions
or for attraction actions without requiring any specified mechanisms for either unlike most other physics theories. So in
his Corollary 4 which disallows gravity between themselves
affecting the motion of the common centre of gravity of two or more
gravitational bodies ;
"in a system of two bodies mutually acting (eg. gravitationally)
upon each other, since the distance between their (gravitational)
centres and the common centre of gravity of both are reciprocally
as the bodies (masses), the relative motions of those bodies,
whether of approaching or of receding from that centre, will be
equal among themselves."
Interestingly mutuality plays a greater part in Newton's gravity
theory than in that of Descartes or others, and Gilbert earlier had
also made much of the mutuality of magnetic and possibly other attraction - to
the extent of giving it a technical term of his own, 'coition'.
Attraction Physics could almost be as well called Coition Physics.
Hence in a signal physics, 'B attracts' is not really meaningful - though 'B attracts C' is.
And 'Bs emit signals that attract' is not meaningful - though 'Bs emit signals
that attract Cs' is. Both Gilbert and Newton realised this, but most other physicists
have basically wrongly favoured 'B attracts'. Einstein and Heisenberg realised that
physics had some 'observer issues' and more recently some physicists have tried
to deal with the issue (perhaps unconvincingly) in adopting
'Relational Quantum Mechanics'. But a signal-response physics along the lines
of Gilbert-Newton 'attraction physics' does seem to be capable of handling this
issue more meaningfully. In a signal physics, causality is 'mutual' and what causes
nothing is outside science. Gilbert basically concluded that, to a real experimental
science, mere dead matter if it existed would be useless - and be unobservable - and
be outside science.
(A recent theory called The Final Theory claims that a
non-conservation of energy problem exists for 'Newton's gravity',
only by wrongly assigning to Newton a 1-way non-mutual energy
'attraction gravity' though Gilbert attraction theory requires at
least 2 bodies and mutual action and Newton also held to that when
he referred to attraction theory though not committing to it. Of
course Descartes push gravity, as also referred to but not
committed to by Newton, likewise had no energy conservation issue.
But wrongly assigning theories to Newton is a common mistake that
even Einstein wrongly indulged in, while replacing real experiments
with his 'thought experiments'.)
This section of Principia Newton finished with an interesting
Scolium showing action and reaction being equal both in mechanics
'contact' push forces and 'action-at-a-distance' forces. As part of this
he shows that this not holding would allow some bodies to exhibit
perpetual acceleration, so two bodies attracting each other and in
contact though having different powers of attraction would show
joint-acceleration with no outside force being applied which is not
allowed by his first law of motion. (Newton used magnets for
experimental confirmation of this in a two body situation, though
magnetism is a trickier matter and he did not mention magnets
differing in their power/mass ratios as magnets can but gravity
cannot - Eg Magnet B of power 10 and mass 2, with magnet C of power
5 and mass 3 : 2x5 = 3x10 ?)
In his Book 1 Section 14, Newton proves that the refraction,
reflection and diffraction of light can all be explained by light
being attracted by and bent by gravity-like signals from materials.
His light reflection involves neither particle collision surface contact reflection nor
wave surface contact reflection, but below-surface attraction light
bending - so light being bent by gravity is not an idea unique to Einstein
as some think.
Hence writes Newton, "If two similar mediums be separated from each other by a
space terminated on both sides by parallel planes, and a body in
its passage through that space be attracted or impelled
perpendicularly towards either of those mediums, and not agitated
or hindered by any other force ; and the attraction be every where
the same at equal distances from either plane, taken towards the
same hand of the plane ; I say, that the sine of incidence upon
either plane will be to the sine of emergence from the other plane
in a given ratio."
And then, "These attractions bear a great resemblance to the reflexions
and refractions of light made in a given ratio of the secants, as
was discovered by Snellius ; and consequently in a given ratio of
the sines, as was exhibited by Des Cartes."
Newton's 'corpuscular' light theory did not involve dead push particles,
but attraction theory robot particles that responded to signals. And that
was why some fiercely attacked it, while others like Hooke attacked it because it was not a wave theory.
Descartes published in his 1637 'The Dioptrics' his push-physics particle optics
with light being faster in dense mediums, and Fermat's 1662 theoretical
claim of light being slower in dense mediums was widely dismissed as Newton,
Huygens and Hooke published works on different optics from 1665 to 1704 with
light being faster in dense mediums. Later experiment showed light is slower
in dense mediums, but only Newton's theory of light was blamed for the early
optics speed error which was claimed to be due to it being a 'corpuscular' theory
and not a wave theory. Of course wave optics actually needed particles or something to be waved.
In fact Newton's was an attraction signal optics and can easily be modified to allow
for light being slower in denser mediums, by simply replacing attraction with
repulsion which has the same mathematics with only a different sign. The real
problem for Newton's optics was that his light 'fits' for interference type events
seemed to have no simple explanation. But his reflection-fit/refraction-fit was akin to signal-on/signal-off
or wave-peak/wave-trough or 1/0 - so taking forces or force-signals as being
digital or quantal might resolve that ? Of course signal-on/signal-off may be a major property of signals
but they can allow of having additional properties including directionality. It may be possible to demonstrate apparent
1+1=0 'destructive interference' of waves, of particle or signal beams or even of single
particles or signals - but no simple physics theory as yet seems really able to give a
proved full explanation. Of course some apparent interference effects may
really just involve spatial rearrangements with nothing actually destroyed. See our Light section
Newton held strongly that some of the apparent 'seens' of science
are really 'unseens' - eg when one ball is seen to hit another, the
supposed contact cannot be actually seen. So even simple mechanics
push theory, or impulse theory as he termed it, could rest on an
unseen. This view seems supported by modern knowledge of materials
atomic structure, showing that surfaces contain relatively little
to make contact with, and is some evidence against contact theories
of light reflection and perhaps contact push theories generally. Hence
the atomic structure of glass below shows more space than atoms -
and the atoms themselves now seem also to be largely empty space ;
Atomic structure of glass surface --
Of course this is basically using a mass-push physics like Galileo/Descartes/Einstein-relativity physics. But if using some energy/fields/waves physics more as Gilbert/Newton/Tesla+ then objects may be relatively full of not-mass and not mostly empty of mass.
But both physics types seem alone to have big problems and Einstein spent many years basically trying to combine both (ie from his E=Mc² or Newtons F=MA as F=Mv²) but Einstein failed and so it is not clear if that is at all possible.
What if the only 'solid matter' is in Black Holes and the properties of Black Holes are the only real properties of matter ? Maybe this real matter only produces gravity, more in line with the real Newton ?
And if 'empty matter' undermines contact-push physics theories, there may be a similar issue of 'non-full fields' also
undermining field-push physics theories which require that fields totally occupy all space as well as quantum-field-push theories.
Even the early Descartes-supporting Newton saw big problems with a mechanical push physics to
explain mutual action-at-distance or remote-control forces like gravity, as indicated in his 'Questiones
quædam Philosophiæ' (or 'Certain Philosophical Questions') about 1663 where
his musings were that any push matter cause for gravitation involved impossible contradictions - see
Of Gravity and Levity. There he also assumed the existence of 'magneticall rays' causing magnetism,
and on the reference frame relativity of motion mused 'we judge a thing to be moved when we see it
come nigher or goe farther from some thing which our senses can perceive and so we judge not a thing
to be moved in respect of the aire but of the earth or some thing'. He also concluded in his Principia
Definitions Scholium that the only correct way to distinguish relative motions from absolute motions
was to establish what motion-causes, or forces, were acting.
NOTE. Newton's 'action-at-distance' work or Gilbert gravity, can
maybe look somewhat less certain outside gravity as in common contact
situations, but electromagnetic field theory, quantum theory and
relativity theory perhaps also handle such contact situations
uncertainly ? And Newton's work also showed that Gilbert's theory
was more easily applied to the simpler gravity phenomenon than to
magnetism ! But since it is basically Gilbert theory, Newton's
gravitation work should be able to be extended to also cover
magnetism and electricity for a unified field theory and maybe more
as Newton says eg in his Principia preface. Modern knowledge
suggests for magnetism and electricity basically using for each a
combination of a pair of opposite 'gravities' - and it should now
be easy to modify a computer model of gravitation to do that !? The
ONLY scientific attempt to seriously consider Gilbert attraction
theory since Gilbert was Newton's - and he made some great progress
doing so, perhaps unfinished and needing elements of modern signal
theory and robot theory.
When the first edition of Principia was published a majority of physicists supported Descartes' Cartesian physics,
and wanted Newton to also support Cartesian physics though he clearly did not. Still many managed to wrongly interpret
his Principia as backing Descartes though it clearly did not. In response after careful consideration, in attempted further clarification, Newton added to a second edition
of his main work Principia, a final section called General Scholium
including his summarised argument against the Rene Descartes ether
vortices explanation of planetary motion, argument for God, his
argument for black-box science rejecting hypotheses on unseens as
unscientific, and a favourable view on Gilbertian inciting effluvia or 'spirits emitted' physics. These
parts are ;
"The hypothesis of vortices is pressed with many difficulties. That
every planet by a radius drawn to the sun may describe areas
proportional to the times of description, the periodic times of the
several parts of the vortices should observe the duplicate
proportion of their distances from the sun; but that the periodic
times of the planets may obtain the sesquiplicate proportion of
their distance from the sun, the periodic times of the parts of the
vortex ought to be in the sesquiplicate proportion of their
distance. That the smaller vortices may maintain their lesser
revolutions about Saturn, Jupiter, and other planets, and swim
quietly and undisturbed in the greater vortex of the sun, the
periodic times of the parts of its vortex should be equal; but the
rotation of the sun and planets about their axes, which ought to
correspond with the motions of their vortices, recede far from all
these proportions. The motions of the comets are exceedingly
regular, and are governed by the same laws with the motions of the
planets, and can by no means be accounted for by the hypothesis of
vortices; for comets are carried with very eccentric motions
through all parts of the heavens indifferently, with a freedom that
is incompatible with the notion of a vortex."
"Hitherto we have explained the phænomena of the heavens and of
our sea by the power of gravity, but have not yet assigned the
cause of this power. This is certain, that it must proceed from a
cause that penetrates to the very centres of the sun and planets,
without suffering the least diminution of its force; that operates
not according to the quantity of the surfaces of the particles upon
which it acts (as mechanical causes use to do), but according to
the quantity, of the solid matter which they contain, and
propagates its virtue on all sides to immense distances, decreasing
always in the duplicate proportion of the distances. Gravitation
towards the sun is made up out of the gravitations towards the
several particles of which the body of the sun is composed; and in
receding from the sun decreases accurately in the duplicate
proportion of the distances as far as the orb of Saturn, as
evidently appears from the quiescence of the aphelions of the
plants; nay, and even to the remotest aphelions of the comets; if
those aphelions are also quiescent. But hitherto I have not been
able to discover the cause of those properties of gravity from
phænomena, and I frame no hypotheses; for whatever is not
deduced from the phænomena is to be called an hypothesis;
and hypotheses, whether metaphysical or physical, whether of occult
qualities or mechanical, have no place in experimental
"And now we might add something concerning a certain most subtle
Spirit which pervades and lies hid in all gross bodies; by the
force and action of which Spirit the particles of bodies
mutually attract one another at near distances, and cohere, if
contiguous; and electric bodies operate to greater distances, as
well repelling as attracting the neighbouring corpuscles; and light
is emitted, reflected, refracted, inflected, and heats bodies;
and all sensation is excited ..... But these are things that
cannot be explained in few words, nor are we furnished with that
sufficiency of experiments which is required to an accurate
determination and demonstration of the laws by which this electric
and elastic Spirit operates. THE END."
NOTES. This 'spirit' piece of Newton's General Scholium has
been interpreted in several wonderfully different ways, including
maybe unreasonably a Descartes material ether mediating dead
matter, but it is a term used in places by William Gilbert and its
mode of operation including self-acting matter,
action-at-distance signal response and brain type action clearly includes the only
alternative theory at the time to Descartes mechanism - the Gilbert
self-acting robot signal universe. Gilbert's effluvia signals are
referred to by Newton as 'spirits emitted' that 'excite bodies and
sensation' in his Principia final Scholium to Book 1 Section 11. It
is more loosely put in the General Scholium, but was understood as
such by many scientists of the time - though Newton's publications
having the often confusing habit of often not mentioning other scientists
by name unless supporting some detail of his own work was
unhelpful, but certainly some unpublished Newton manuscripts
specifically connected his 'subtle spirit' section with electric
and magnetic phenomena and Gilbert ideas or variants of them. But
it may possibly have been intended by Newton to also cover a
Descartes ether as well, since he considered both types of
explanation and maybe others as options - though to Newton all
'outside science'. However, no matter how clearly Newton explained his blackbox physics
most other physicists continued to wrongly interpret it and present it as a Cartesian physics.
Indeed soon Cartesian physics with Newton's physics mathematics was widely presented as
being 'Newtonian physics' - and still is today.
But Newton did concede that at least
some things that are at one time unobservables to science, might in
the future become observables. But if everything having physical
effect was observable as Einstein claimed then might different
interpretations still be possible, and might people always be able
to posit ever finer unobservables anyway ? Of course all bodies in
attraction physics are at least in some respects observers and
definable, but this is not the case for other physics
theories. Yet if Newton published his physics as having 2 possible alternative explanations, Cartesian and Gilbertian,
then his published disproof of Cartesian physics must logically mean his physics really being Gilbertian though avoiding publicly stating that.
Newton devoted the 10 pages of Principia book 2 section 9 to
disproving Descartes' vortex theory of planetary motion, which you
can read in this website's 'Newton against Descartes' section and
is summarised above.
Though here defining science narrowly, as excluding hypotheses on
currently unseens like causes of gravity, Newton like many scientists
could greatly value ideas that he considered to be outside science
- and in his case certainly hypotheses on gravity's causation. But
for his science Newton stuck by his black-box theory as being the best
physics possible as long as there were no proven physics theories
without unseens.
Newton's final work Opticks basically supported his Principia
gravity theory position - with its first proposition being that he
was supporting no explanation for the working of light and again with
its final Queries. He chiefly allowed as possible explanation options
either a dead-particle push explanation or a robot-particle
attraction theory for light, though he had earlier considered an
ether wave theory. Both Principia and Opticks supported his
different-causes-are-possible blackbox science conclusion. Newton's
Principia book 2 section 8 was on wave theory as for sound. Newton's
doubts about a wave theory of light were interestingly partly
related to his strong doubts about Descartes' material ether, if
there is no medium to wave then wave theory is not viable. Newton
also doubted classic wave theory of light because he saw light as
basically propagating in straight lines where waves propagate on
every side. But mainly Newton saw waves as needing a medium, and
all mediums as decelerating bodies so that any 'ether' in space
should decelerate light and decelerate planets to degrees that
experiments did not confirm. Hence, in book 2.7,
"since it is the opinion of some (Descartes) that there is a
certain aetherial medium extremely rare and subtile, which freely
pervades the pores of bodies, some resistance must needs arise ; in
order to try whether the resistance, which we experience in bodies
in motion, be made upon their outward superficies only, or whether
their internal parts meet with any considerable resistance upon
their superficies, I thought of the following experiment. I
suspended.......Therefore the resistance of the empty box in its
internal parts will be above 5000 times less than the resistance on
its external superficies."
"In the scholium attached to the sixth Section, we shewed, by
experiments of pendulums, that the resistances of equal and equally
swift globes moving in air, water and quicksilver, are as the
densities of the fluids....... And though air, water, quicksilver,
and the like fluids, by the division of their parts in infinitum,
should be subtilized, and become mediums infinitely fluid,
nevertheless, the resistance they would make to projected globes
would be the same. For the resistance considered in the proceeding
Propositions arises from the inactivity of the matter ; and the
inactivity of matter is essential to bodies, and always
proportional to the quantity of matter. By the division of the
parts of the fluid the resistance arising from the tenacity and
friction of the parts may be indeed diminished ; but the quantity
of matter will not be at all diminished by this division ; and if
the quantity of matter be the same its force of inactivity will be
the same ; and therefore the resistance here spoken of will be the
same, as always proportional to that force. To diminish this
resistance, the quantity of matter in the spaces through which the
bodies move must be diminished ; and therefore the celestial
spaces, through which the globes of the planets and comets are
perpetually passing towards all parts, with the utmost freedom, and
without the least sensible diminution of their motion, must be
utterly void of any corporeal fluid, excepting, perhaps, some
extremely rare vapours and the rays of light."
That the real theory position of Newton on light was fully
consistent with his Principia views on gravity is reflected in his
opening to Opticks stating his blackbox position for light and in
Opticks p376 Query 31 stating ;
"It is well known that bodies act one upon another by the
Attraction of Gravity, Magnetism and Electricity; and these
instances show the tenor and course of nature...."
Nearer to Einstein's time, Gilbert-Newton attraction physics was seen to have been
supported by the prominent English chemist and atomic physicist Sir William Crookes
(1832-1919) in one 1895 lecture stating ;
"as to the nature of atoms, it seems to be capable of easiest solution by the
conception that these possess - as centres of force - a persistent soul,
that every atom has sensation and power of movement." This is really more Gilbert than Gilbert and combined with Newton, and was a view that he put in at least a number of lectures, so clearly Crookes strongly preferred Gilbertian physics over the Einsteinian physics that was emerging by 1905
and it may have prompted him to his experiments on spiritualism though maybe not logicly related.
Sir William Crookes was maybe more openly a committed Gilbertian than Sir Isaac Newton, though again without acknowledging Gilbert.
He seems to have thought that some of the atomic 'radiated matter' he studied might be some of Gilbert's 'emitted effluvia', though we still do not know if atoms can emit some more less-detectable things. But in England clearly Gilbertian action-at-distance signal-response physics
long survived its falsely claimed disproof if only quietly with a select minority of English physicists that included at least Hooke, Newton and Crookes.
And many physicists today claiming to know Newton's physics seem entirely unaware that
in his Principia, chiefly concerning gravitational force, Newton in several key places notably
falls back on magnetic force as better demonstrating his argument. And there are still
some great physics ideas to be found in William Gilbert's maybe somewhat difficult 'De Magnete', or
'On The Magnet' - the nearest early science equivalent of The Golden Bough magic study of Sir James Frazer, or maybe that is this site ?
Newton stuck by his Opticks and his Principia including its General
Scholium despite criticisms and false interpretations of it mainly
by supporters of Descartes who resented Newton's disproofs of
Descartes' theory and extensive support for Gilbert attraction
physics theory. Though he did much work regarding his published
disproofs of substantial aspects of Descartes mechanical push
theory and little or none regarding disproving Gilbert signal
attraction theory, Newton considered that his black-box theory
position did not really take sides between Descartes and Gilbert
explanation theories and allowed that both might be basically
consistent with his own theory, and it is certainly hard to claim
that Newton himself really helped to advance either theory in his
trying to help advance physics.
PS. You can read the
English 1730 edition of
Isaac Newton's Opticks and the Latin edition at Opticks Latin- or you can learn
about using Google Books at the bottom of our History
of Science section.
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