Like Newton and Gilbert, Descartes published his major works in
Latin - but he did oversee approved translations into his native
French - including his Principia Philosophiae (Principles of
Philosophy) which had first been published in 1644. Most of his published works were philosophical but did include some acclaimed 'science'.
Below we will look at some of his 'Principles of Philosophy' and
'Treatise on Light', and his 'The World' published after his death and giving more on his physics is dealt with in a separate section. An English translation of part of Descartes'
Principia Philosophiae (Principles of Philosophy), though not
approved by him, can be read online at - a good website.
You can read in our section on Descartes 'The World', his argument concluding
that the only essential property of a body is extension or space-occupancy,
and that all extension assumed some body and so there could not be any
empty space only dead matter and the universe must be infinite. He also
argues that the only other certain property of a body is motion, and that
'motion can only be produced by other motion' - only by pushings or pullings.
So in Part 4, Descartes argues that "we can perceive no external
objects unless some local motion be caused by them in our nerves,
and that such motion cannot be caused by the fixed stars, owing to
their great distance from us, unless a motion be also produced in
them and in the whole heavens lying between them and us (through a
continuous material ether)" Descartes like Aristotle basically
opposed empty space on theoretical grounds.
(Gilbert saw motion as only a derivative of primary forces
associated with bodies, like magnetism and gravity, and saw empty
space as generating no forces and so being really empty. Earth's
atmosphere attenuating with altitude and planet orbits not
suffering drag were seen as evidence for empty space. Newton
concluded that the chief property of matter is inertia and any
piece of space generating no resistance to motion must be empty
space - and perhaps came near to adding a second chief property of
matter as gravity implying that any piece of space generating no
gravity must be empty space containing no matter ? Of course Newton
taking a black-box position did not actually conclude the latter,
and allowed there might be some massless bodies with no
In his Principles, Descartes repeatedly argued against empty space,
to make a material ether central to his physics, hence ;
"XVIII. How the prejudice of an absolute vacuum is to be
.....And accordingly, if it be asked what would happen were God to
remove from a vessel all the body contained in it, without
permitting another body to occupy its place, the answer must be
that the sides of the vessel would thus come into proximity with
each other.
For two bodies must touch each other when there is nothing between
them, and it is manifestly contradictory for two bodies to be
apart, in other words, that there should be a distance between
them, and this distance yet be nothing; for all distance is a mode
of extension, and cannot therefore exist without an extended
With empty space logically abolished, Descartes' imagining fills
his universe with three types of matter, or elements. The first
element is matter made up of a non-particle fluid moving so quickly
that it shatters any body it hits and produces heat and light, and
the sun and stars are composed of this element. The matter of the
second element is made up of microscopic spherical particles,
making a stable fluid, and this element fills space and propagates
light. Finally, the third element of which planets and common
objects are formed is made of larger particles least well-suited to
He tackles light as the particles of his second element
transmitting motions, somehow in a straight line instantly, "like a
stick transmits a push on one end to the other end" - though for
sound he used a normal wave theory. And to explain magnetism
Descartes claimed that novel emitted effluvia particles of
"threaded parts" passed through a network of one-way threaded
passages in iron and worked like a corkscrew.
Interestingly Descartes considered light at some length as a signal
"Chapter I: On the difference between our sensations and the
things that produce them
In proposing to write this treatise on Light, the first thing I
want to bring to your attention is the fact that there can be a
difference between the sensation we have of it (that is, the idea
of it formed in our imagination via our eyes), and what there is in
the objects which produce this sensation in us (that is what there
is in flame or the sun which is called 'light'). For although most
people are convinced that the ideas we have in our thinking are
entirely similar to the objects they come from, I can see
absolutely no reason why we should be certain of this - on the
contrary, I am aware of many observations which should make us
doubt it.
You know, of course, that words make us form conceptions of the
things they signify even though they have no resemblance to them,
often even without our paying any attention to the sounds of the
words or the syllables of which they are composed. Thus it can
happen that, after hearing something said of which we have
perfectly understood the sense, we are unable to say what language
it was spoken in. But if words, which have meaning only as a human
institution, are enough to make us form conceptions of things they
bear no resemblance to, why could not Nature too have instituted
some sign which would make us have the sensation of light, but
without containing in itself anything similar to this sensation?
And is this not how she has instituted smiles and tears to make us
read joy and sadness on people's faces ?
But perhaps you will say that our ears really only make us perceive
the sound of the words, and our eyes the countenance of the person
who smiles or weeps, and that it is our spirit which, having
grasped the meanings of the words and countenance, represents them
to us at the same time. I could reply to this that it is likewise
our spirit which represents to us the idea of light whenever the
action which signifies it comes into contact with our eyes. But
rather than wasting time in disputation, I would prefer to give
another example.
When we ignore the meanings of words and listen only to their
sound, do you think the idea of this sound formed in our thinking
bears some resemblance to the object that causes it? Someone opens
their mouth, moves their tongue, emits their breath - but I see
nothing in all these actions that is not very different from the
idea of the sound which they make us form in our imagination. And
the majority of philosophers assure us that sound is nothing but a
certain vibration of the air which comes and beats against our
ears; so that if the sense of hearing brought the true image of its
object into our thinking, instead of making us have a conception of
sound, it would have to make us have a conception of the motion of
the parts of the air then vibrating against our ears. But since not
everyone, perhaps, will be prepared to believe what philosophers
say, I shall give yet another example.
The sense which is considered the least deceptive and the most
certain is that of touch; so, if I show you that even the sense of
touch makes us conceive many ideas which have no resemblance at all
to the objects that produce them, I do not think you should find it
strange if I say that the sense of sight can do the same. There is
no one who does not know that the ideas of tickling and of pain
which are formed in our thinking on the occasion of our coming into
contact with external bodies bear no resemblance to them. You
gently pass a feather over the lips of a sleeping child, and it
senses that you are tickling it: do you think that the idea of
tickling which it conceives resembles in any respect the qualities
of the feather? A soldier returns from a battle: during the heat of
the action he could have been wounded without noticing it; but now
that he is beginning to cool off, he feels some pain, and believes
he has been wounded. A surgeon is called, his armour is removed,
the surgeon makes a visit, and finally it is found that what he
felt was nothing other than a buckle or a strap which had got
caught up under his armour and caused the trouble by pressing into
him. If his sense of touch, in making him aware of this strap, had
impressed the image of it on his thinking, he would have had no
need of the surgeon to tell him what he was feeling.
So, I see no reason why we should believe that whatever it is in
objects that gives rise to our sensation of light is any more like
that sensation than the actions of a feather or a strap are like
the sensation of tickling or pain. However, I have certainly not
brought up these examples in order to make you believe absolutely
that light is different in objects from what it is in our eyes; but
only in order to make you reserve judgment about it; and, by
keeping you from being prejudiced by the contrary opinion, to
enable you to join me now in a more fruitful examination of its
nature. . . . ."
Most of Descartes actual science theory being basically 'logical
imaginings', based on a weaker knowledge of actual physical
phenomena than Gilbert or Newton, perhaps added little of practical
use to physics theory at the time, with the exception of his work
on light based on a particle theory and adding to knowledge on
refraction especially. Newton published a strong disproof of
Descartes' material ether and specifically of his ether vortex
theory of planetary motion. Descartes had basically better organised ancient greek Atomist theory
and incorporated it into his God-based Dualist philosophy so it could better suit religion. Descartes' physics gained wide
support, and later Maxwell and Einstein produced alternative
'non-material' ether/continuum Descartes-style theories though they
perhaps lacked the relatively clear simple logic of Descartes'
material push ether physics.
Though modern science is really still based on Descartes-style dead matter
mechanical push-physics theory, many of its statements in fact read like
excited active matter theory statements :-
1. A typical modern explanation of part of Brain action - "A neuron
accepts signals from other neurons through branchlike structures
called dendrites. Whenever enough messages arrive from neighbouring
neurons to excite it, a neuron sends an electrical impulse."
2. A typical modern explanation of part of Atomic action - "By
absorbing photons of some one wavelength, an atom can be excited to
any of various discrete energy levels and then it can emit light of
various wavelengths."
These clearly read like active-neurons and active-atoms statements,
and not like Descartes mechanical push statements. Even modern
declared dead-matter theorists seem often to use active-matter
language (as easier or clearer assumedly). From radioactivity and
other atomic behaviour, we now KNOW that atoms are not simple small
billiard balls as might best suit Descartes-style dead-matter
theory - and often at least equally well fit an active-atoms theory
akin to Gilbert's.
It was certainly Descartes' advances in mathematics that were of
more practical use to progress in physics theory, and the same can
probably be said of Newton and then of Einstein also ?
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